International Tribunal on Evictions » Sessions » 4th Session 2014 » Who supports the fourth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions

Who supports the fourth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions

This opinion Tribunal is a joint tool, supported by the 2013 World Assembly of Inhabitants, which includes over 270 inhabitant organizations, networks and other social movements from more than 45 countries on all continents and by the People's Alternative Urban Social Forum (Medellin, 2014), an alternative to the World Urban Forum of UN-HABITAT, with other 3,000 members from all the continents.

It also counts on the collaboration of organizations which are devoted to the defense of human rights .

The Tribunal is maintained thanks to the pooling of social capital, the volunteering of members of sponsoring organizationsand the cooperation of other volunteers as the interpreters.


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